Sunday 23 December 2012

You, should take a turn

Something is inside,
Neither me nor people can see it,
Is a feeling, which I so so scare of it coming to me.
Something that was so familiar a long time ago.
Nope, it is not really same for this time. 

How I can able to get rid of you,  the feeling?
I looked very fine, should be very fine, 
Even I think I am fine, but am I really fine?
I am confused.

Luckily, I have found a place, 
For me to be away from the thought and to focus
at least when I need to study,
I still can keep my emotion in check, I am confident.

Ya, I am. Stop going round and round around the problem.
Go for something meaningful to do in life.
Listen to your heart
And when good thing comes in, bad thought will go away, 
That is my principle, always, isn't it? 

So, since you know what to do, please take the step, 
give yourself a chance, to free you from the negative thoughts
And fill it with positive thinking.
Whatever it is, take it easy,
Impermanence, that is the truth of Life.


Here I share with you the Buddha taught, 
Peace comes from within, do not seek it without

~ May you be well and happy.

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