Sunday 16 September 2012


It has been quite a long time since my last post. I'm really busy with my study. In the coming time, I may not be updating my blog that frequent, I've decided to use diary instead of blog to pen down my emotions, feelings and problems.

Manipal, is a little town, which is fulled with students, both the locals and the foreigners. There are a variety of choices of food. BUT, sadly,no green leafy vegetables! There are also a lot of toofu here, but I don't like toofu very much..So, all the toofu dishes are not in my consideration at all.

The traffic is very busy. Car honking sound can be heard everyday. I believe I will become a road-crossing expert when i come back to Malaysia. Haha. I love my hostel too. Although my room is not as good as my friends', I am okay with it. I put a lot of loves into it so that my room will love me back too. =)

The very hard thing to me is my health state at Manipal. I fall sick everyday, flu, stomachache, dizzy. Oh my body, I love you so much! So, I hope you can love me back too. Jia you ar, Chialin's body! =) Be a strong body, who can fight with all the bacteria!

Another thing to say, the seniors here are very helpful and friendly. Within a week here, I have made a few new good senior friends, Sook Moon, Jia Qi, Ru Ting.. Thanks for all the advices given. The lecturers too, Lucky I, I'm a slow learner but I always meet with many good lecturers who can bear my slow learning progress. Thank you all my helpful lecturers, I will cover up my weakness with more hard works. Last but not least, there are a lot of friendly aka around me, both in hostel and in aka shop. I love all of the good people surrounding me.

Me! Jia you!
The food in India is quite tasty actually. =)
"Hello Batch 31!"
Tiger circle in Manipal, 马路如虎口.
This is delicious! Potato Lovers <3
Last but not least, Yee cheeng, 谢谢你的温柔.  =)
Overall, life in India can be interesting, depends on the mindset of our own. When you start loving a place, the place will love you back. 

So, I love Manipal, which a place I know it will make me a GREAT doctor. 

1 comment:

  1. Jiayou ya Chia Lin.. Anything can come to me.. Okay? If you need sb to talk to, I am very happy to be your listener. XD
